Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Oops, I Did It Again....
The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Ahhh so sorry everyone! I really am a tease-her-and-leave-her sort of girl. Good news is, finals are now OVER! Bad news is, I'm swimming four hours a day >.<. Basically all I've had time for is getting progressively addicted to Pretty Little Liars and making these. And knitting. Anyway, sorry for going AWOL. Pictures of my big DIY up soon!
Sunday, May 6, 2012
stuff about spring and summer that makes me happy :)
Hey guys! I wasn't planning to post until later this week (I have a DIY coming I'm pretty happy about) but two things drove me to blogger today.
1) My friend Carly pestered me
2) I went to the farmers market and ate a peach and IT WAS RIPE. Do you know what this means?? Peach season has begun! Peaches are one of my favorite fruits, maybe because I have an unspoken rule that they can only be eaten from late spring to early fall. There's nothing sadder than a winter peach in my book. Peaches are summer and there's nothing better than a ripe and tasty peach to remind me that summer is on its way!
Wow, so you guys are probably wondering what I do with my life, but I have a lot of feelings about peaches. I can't help it. Anyway, I was inspired to do a list of my favorite things about spring and early summer. Pretty pictures included. I know there hasn't been a lot of crafty content lately, but like I said I have something big planned for later this week. So, to the list! :)
1. Anything citrus! I love citrus colors and citrus print and even citrus-scented things--it's all very happy and refreshing, helpful when it's 11 pm and you're studying for finals.
2. The Southwest. Obviously this doesn't just exist during the summer. And if you're one of those lucky people who gets to live there year-round: I ENVY YOU. But spring makes me think of road trips, which always lead me to wide-open places like Arizona and New Mexico. I also love all the beautiful Southwestern/Native American designs that abound there.
3. Tea parties! Not the stuffy ones for little girls full of princesses and teddy bears. I'm talking serious tea parties here, people. My friend hosted one and it was awesome. For me though, tea party here is defined as: more than two people, pretty teacups, pretty tablecloth, and unusual flavors of tea. Also cakes.
4. The beach! This one is part of my summer the way peaches are. I love the beach. Someday I want to live near the beach. I would marry the beach, but it's illegal. Also I wouldn't want to hog it. Anyway, moving on: beaches are fun. Sun, sand, ocean, maybe even a pier if you're lucky. What more could you want?
5. Travel. I am on mission to travel the world. As much as I like the going and the doing, though, it is almost as nice to lie around dreaming of the places I could go.... :)
That's all for now, folks! What are your favorite things about summer?
<3 Maggie
P.S. New blog design....thoughts?
P.P.S. Updated link for Ariella's blog (she changed URLs)....go check her out!
1) My friend Carly pestered me
2) I went to the farmers market and ate a peach and IT WAS RIPE. Do you know what this means?? Peach season has begun! Peaches are one of my favorite fruits, maybe because I have an unspoken rule that they can only be eaten from late spring to early fall. There's nothing sadder than a winter peach in my book. Peaches are summer and there's nothing better than a ripe and tasty peach to remind me that summer is on its way!
Wow, so you guys are probably wondering what I do with my life, but I have a lot of feelings about peaches. I can't help it. Anyway, I was inspired to do a list of my favorite things about spring and early summer. Pretty pictures included. I know there hasn't been a lot of crafty content lately, but like I said I have something big planned for later this week. So, to the list! :)
1. Anything citrus! I love citrus colors and citrus print and even citrus-scented things--it's all very happy and refreshing, helpful when it's 11 pm and you're studying for finals.
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photo from Pinterest--I'm obsessed |
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Linky-link |
me and friend, demonstrating an early love for the beach despite the cold. we are hearty soldiers |
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Linkity-doobla |
That's all for now, folks! What are your favorite things about summer?
<3 Maggie
P.S. New blog design....thoughts?
P.P.S. Updated link for Ariella's blog (she changed URLs)....go check her out!
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Top Five Things To Do When You Are Bored
Hey guys! My brain is fresh out of blogging topics, and all of my knitting looks the same as it did last week, only....longer. So, I have devised a top ten list to keep your interest high. But first up, announcements:
1. My awesome friend Ariella has started her own movie blog, and is slowly educating me in the ways of Fine Film. She is a veritable professor of cinema (and funny too), so all you cinephiles out there, I highly recommend giving it a read!
2. Today I tried to write in my stereotypical composition notebook and all I managed was the word "Pain" written loudly and dramatically across the page. I think I need more chocolate in my life.
3. "Pain" is officially the shortest poem I've ever written. What eloquence.
4. Yeah I don't have any more announcements, but I like making lists. So. Onto blog topic du jour!
Top Five Things To Do When You Are Bored
1. Announce loudly to an adult in charge that you would like to be a platypus when you grow up.
2. Greet an inanimate object. Hug it as if it is your old friend. Do this in public.
3. Start rapping about the Bible. (In the beginning there was Adam and Eve/they were naked but for their fig leaves/Adam ate an apple God had warned him about/So God got mad and kicked them both out) BAM.
4. Walk into a Starbucks and announce that you would like to purchase all of their straws.
5. Try to buy something from Saks Fifth Avenue and attempt to pay with your Wetzel's Pretzels Frequent Customer card. (I credit my friend for this one).
I'm fresh out of witty things to say now. This is your captain signing off.
<3 Maggie
1. My awesome friend Ariella has started her own movie blog, and is slowly educating me in the ways of Fine Film. She is a veritable professor of cinema (and funny too), so all you cinephiles out there, I highly recommend giving it a read!
2. Today I tried to write in my stereotypical composition notebook and all I managed was the word "Pain" written loudly and dramatically across the page. I think I need more chocolate in my life.
3. "Pain" is officially the shortest poem I've ever written. What eloquence.
4. Yeah I don't have any more announcements, but I like making lists. So. Onto blog topic du jour!
Top Five Things To Do When You Are Bored
1. Announce loudly to an adult in charge that you would like to be a platypus when you grow up.
2. Greet an inanimate object. Hug it as if it is your old friend. Do this in public.
3. Start rapping about the Bible. (In the beginning there was Adam and Eve/they were naked but for their fig leaves/Adam ate an apple God had warned him about/So God got mad and kicked them both out) BAM.
4. Walk into a Starbucks and announce that you would like to purchase all of their straws.
5. Try to buy something from Saks Fifth Avenue and attempt to pay with your Wetzel's Pretzels Frequent Customer card. (I credit my friend for this one).
I'm fresh out of witty things to say now. This is your captain signing off.
<3 Maggie
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Hey guys! Yesterday I went to my school's choral concert with lovely friends Gina and Ariella. Gina has an awesome fashion blog (and totally amazing style to match), and she featured me on it! I feel so famous now. Go check her out, you won't regret it! (Click her name for link).
Incidentally, both Gina and Ariella knit. I taught Ariella; Gina already knew. The yarn influence is spreading :)
Finals are bearing down on me with their sharp saber teeth, so apologies if I become more erratic than usual...if that's possible. The knitting is trudging on, I've been really busy and haven't had time to focus on the more complicated things like the lace scarf. I did, however, start a new sock:
And another scarf:
I think I'm using knitting as a coping mechanism for stress.
<3 Maggie
Incidentally, both Gina and Ariella knit. I taught Ariella; Gina already knew. The yarn influence is spreading :)
Finals are bearing down on me with their sharp saber teeth, so apologies if I become more erratic than usual...if that's possible. The knitting is trudging on, I've been really busy and haven't had time to focus on the more complicated things like the lace scarf. I did, however, start a new sock:
pattern: Spring Forward from Knitty, yarn: loops n' threads luxury sock in color Ocean |
pattern: Stepping Stitches, yarn: gift from Ireland |
<3 Maggie
Saturday, April 21, 2012
what's in the knitting basket?
hello, friends. I realize that I haven't posted about knitting lately, so I'm here to fix that now. Since school started up again I've mostly been knitting small, simple things that I can work on during class and cram in my backpack. (If you're a student knitter like me--some of my teachers don't let me knit in class, but most are fine with it as long as I'm paying attention). So, I finished a pair of socks for myself! They have fancy stripes and stuff so people think I'm smart, even if I tell them it's just the yarn.
pattern: basic socks, yarn: Lion Brand Sock-Ease |
yarn: Rowan Felted Tweed color 158, pattern: Bettie's Pullover from the Winter issue of Interweave knits. |
Last but not least, a lace scarf:
yarn: Debbie Bliss Angel color 07, pattern: Branching Out scarf, |
So, that's mostly what's in my knitting basket for now. I am making a cowl, but.....
(the dots signify that I am about to sound like an idiot)
.....the zipper on my bag broke, and the cowl is stuck inside it. So I can't get at it until I fix the zipper. I suppose that's motivation, but it still irritates me.
Anyway, now I need a new project for school. I'm thinking socks again. (I am addicted to socks. I can't help it). Thoughts?
<3 Maggie
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Through the River and Over the Hills
Hey guys. Look, I'm posting again! Do I get a gold star?
Last time I said I'd tell you about an awesome road trip. But now I sort of wonder if you're getting bored of looking at all my vacation photos. Perhaps you're thinking angrily, "Look at this girl OUT IN THE WILDERNESS WHAT THE HECK SHE'S SUPPOSED TO BE BLOGGING" so I will try to make this as entertaining as possible. See? The whole time, I was just collecting blog fodder.
So, some highlights?
A word of warning about state beaches: Park rangers are sadistic. The charming one mile hike to a beach through beautiful scenery turned out to involve wading through a freezing river that almost came up to my waist. I maintain that there is no bridge not because they couldn't build one, but because park rangers like to hide in the surrounding trees and point and laugh at us as we make up new swearwords and shriek.
There are also some pretty derpy photos of us, but you don't get to see those. My mother has a talent for pressing the button when we are making disgusting faces. Not even in a funny way...more of a vaguely confused/angry/about to sneeze way. Also a lot more stuff happened but we didn't take pictures of it. It was very fun, and I found a new yarn shop. Sadly didn't buy anything there, something I regret to the utmost. Next time, I am yours, nice yarn ladies.
I did however buy a very beautiful ball of recycled silk at a hippie gift shop/boutique thing. It is My Precious. I am thinking of making a vest.
(Also, more on the knitting later. Lots on the go)
<3 Maggie
Last time I said I'd tell you about an awesome road trip. But now I sort of wonder if you're getting bored of looking at all my vacation photos. Perhaps you're thinking angrily, "Look at this girl OUT IN THE WILDERNESS WHAT THE HECK SHE'S SUPPOSED TO BE BLOGGING" so I will try to make this as entertaining as possible. See? The whole time, I was just collecting blog fodder.
So, some highlights?
This is an adorable baby cow we saw at a farm full of adorable baby animals |
This is the alarm-clock turkey. It enjoyed waking us up by gobbling outside our window. |
We saw some very nice deer. |
We defiled an already defiled bench. We felt badly about it because we were writing weird messages and everyone else had written something profound like "Bob + Martha 4eva" |
This is the pretty scenery. It was extremely windy. It almost blew Ana and me off the cliff. I mocked her for having long hair. |
A word of warning about state beaches: Park rangers are sadistic. The charming one mile hike to a beach through beautiful scenery turned out to involve wading through a freezing river that almost came up to my waist. I maintain that there is no bridge not because they couldn't build one, but because park rangers like to hide in the surrounding trees and point and laugh at us as we make up new swearwords and shriek.
There are also some pretty derpy photos of us, but you don't get to see those. My mother has a talent for pressing the button when we are making disgusting faces. Not even in a funny way...more of a vaguely confused/angry/about to sneeze way. Also a lot more stuff happened but we didn't take pictures of it. It was very fun, and I found a new yarn shop. Sadly didn't buy anything there, something I regret to the utmost. Next time, I am yours, nice yarn ladies.
I did however buy a very beautiful ball of recycled silk at a hippie gift shop/boutique thing. It is My Precious. I am thinking of making a vest.
(Also, more on the knitting later. Lots on the go)
<3 Maggie
Saturday, April 7, 2012
I'm Back
Hey guys, it's been a while. I have no idea where March went, but I'm harboring a suspicion that it was the same black hole that sucks up your keys and homework assignments. Sorry for the hiatus, but I'm back. (Until the finals, at least). My New Year's resolution is to post more and take more pictures of my knitting.
So what's been happening? Well, a ton. First, I finished that sweater:
Crappy photos as usual. Didn't you miss them? Sigh, I have got to get better at convincing people to take pictures of my clothing. These really don't do it justice...it's tweedy....subtle....warm....in short, I am in love.
Big thing the second? I got a haircut. Just a little trim:
I love it. I also love the part where you don't have to wrestle your hair into submission every morning. It also makes me feel just a little bit chic, which is useful because usually I just look like the weird girl with yarn stuck to her pants.
Thing the third:
Yesterday this happened.
No, wait, I can explain. You see, Easter is tomorrow. (Happy Easter, guys!). So my friend Helen came over and we derped around and dyed easter eggs and there were Sharpies and what did I tell you about us and Sharpies.....and....
And the fourth? I went on an awesome road trip. Details tomorrow....I have to leave something to blog about, after all.
How was your spring break?
<3 Maggie
P.S. I'm contemplating a daring blog background change.
So what's been happening? Well, a ton. First, I finished that sweater:
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pattern: Must Have Cardigan from Patons, yarn: pilfered from a sweater |
Big thing the second? I got a haircut. Just a little trim:
I love it. I also love the part where you don't have to wrestle your hair into submission every morning. It also makes me feel just a little bit chic, which is useful because usually I just look like the weird girl with yarn stuck to her pants.
Thing the third:
Yesterday this happened.
No, wait, I can explain. You see, Easter is tomorrow. (Happy Easter, guys!). So my friend Helen came over and we derped around and dyed easter eggs and there were Sharpies and what did I tell you about us and Sharpies.....and....
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I made a knitting egg. Isn't it cute? (No, I don't need professional help) |
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My egg version of the Addams family. (Yes, the one in the back does have a girlstache). |
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This is my friend Helen. I told you guys, I warned you about the Sharpies. |
And the fourth? I went on an awesome road trip. Details tomorrow....I have to leave something to blog about, after all.
How was your spring break?
<3 Maggie
P.S. I'm contemplating a daring blog background change.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Hey everyone! It's a leap day today. Is it just me or do you think you should get an extra day off for that? I mean, it's a whole extra day and it only comes around once every four years. Might as well enjoy it.
As for me, well. I'm going to celebrate my old-ladyness and spend some time with my sweater in progress and my cat. Gotta live it up while I can.
As a side effect of my busy social life I missed my poor blog's birthday. Happy birthday Threadhead, you seem so old now. My posting skills have not improved at all which is sad because I can't write reflections paragraphs about how I've grown and changed. I do think I'm a little less hyper though. Hopefully?
Speaking of birthdays, it was my cousin's birthday recently! She came out to visit, which was awesome. I knit her a scarf:
But the real star present was a ticket to the Oscars! She got a very nice photo of the back of George Clooney's head and generally rubbed elbows with celebrities and brought home candy. We embarrassed her and my dad beforehand by acting like proud parents on prom night.
Here's a glamour shot of her and my dad. I still think they were the best dressed couple of the night :)
You can't have that pic of George Clooney though. It's mine.
<3 Maggie
As for me, well. I'm going to celebrate my old-ladyness and spend some time with my sweater in progress and my cat. Gotta live it up while I can.
As a side effect of my busy social life I missed my poor blog's birthday. Happy birthday Threadhead, you seem so old now. My posting skills have not improved at all which is sad because I can't write reflections paragraphs about how I've grown and changed. I do think I'm a little less hyper though. Hopefully?
Speaking of birthdays, it was my cousin's birthday recently! She came out to visit, which was awesome. I knit her a scarf:
pattern: variation on the Noro scarf, yarn: Lion Brand Wool-Ease worsted and some similar blue tweed that was a great Christmas present from Ireland |
Here's a glamour shot of her and my dad. I still think they were the best dressed couple of the night :)
You can't have that pic of George Clooney though. It's mine.
<3 Maggie
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Decisions, decisions
hey guys! Hope everyone had a great long weekend--honk if you think normal weekends should be longer! There was actually time to do stuff.
And now a lot of random things:
1. I have this little problem. Every time I walk into my local yarn shop I go straight for the Noro. I have been lusting after this scarf for an unhealthy amount of time, and each time I go in there I mean to buy the yarn for it. However, the yarn for this scarf is about $45-$50 total, and that's one expensive scarf. I always chicken out and buy something else instead, which is a vicious cycle because then I don't have money for the scarf again.
Should I do it? Close my eyes and plop down fifty buckaroos, or find a cheaper scarf to knit? It's so pretty! But my parents already think I'm insane. ._.
2. I knit Carly some gloves for her birthday. Happy birthday!! You're awesome and an amazing artist. Ha. We're not face to face so you can't get all blushy and modest about it.
3. I am considering doing some weekend outfit posts, sort of like a copout fashion blog since I wear a uniform the rest of the week. Wearing the same thing every day isn't so great for outfit posts. There are two things wrong with this. One, I would have to get dressed every weekend and remember to take a picture. Two, it sort of feels a little narcissistic. Is it something you would want to see? I could make it more entertaining, like wearing my 3-D dolphin visor out in public and taking candid photos of people's reactions. But that seems like a lot of work.
How bout it?
<3 Maggie
And now a lot of random things:
1. I have this little problem. Every time I walk into my local yarn shop I go straight for the Noro. I have been lusting after this scarf for an unhealthy amount of time, and each time I go in there I mean to buy the yarn for it. However, the yarn for this scarf is about $45-$50 total, and that's one expensive scarf. I always chicken out and buy something else instead, which is a vicious cycle because then I don't have money for the scarf again.
Should I do it? Close my eyes and plop down fifty buckaroos, or find a cheaper scarf to knit? It's so pretty! But my parents already think I'm insane. ._.
2. I knit Carly some gloves for her birthday. Happy birthday!! You're awesome and an amazing artist. Ha. We're not face to face so you can't get all blushy and modest about it.
3. I am considering doing some weekend outfit posts, sort of like a copout fashion blog since I wear a uniform the rest of the week. Wearing the same thing every day isn't so great for outfit posts. There are two things wrong with this. One, I would have to get dressed every weekend and remember to take a picture. Two, it sort of feels a little narcissistic. Is it something you would want to see? I could make it more entertaining, like wearing my 3-D dolphin visor out in public and taking candid photos of people's reactions. But that seems like a lot of work.
How bout it?
<3 Maggie
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Hey, everyone. Sorry I've been gone for so long! I've been so busy with school and sort of everything in general. Please bear with me.
On the bright side....I'm considerably faster at knitting now, and I have tons of projects and FOs (finished objects) to show you! I even used my real camera this time. I know you guys are positively peeing your pants with excitement over that.
I actually have lots more, but they're presents so I'm holding out on you until the people get their gifts.
This is for the trade fair at school. It's basically where you bring stuff you've made and sell it to the eager masses. Like a real live Etsy for high schoolers. I'm doing it with knitting club, although my friend Morgan is crocheting cats for it. That sounds crazy but I swear it's not. They are super adorable.
This is random because I thought the pattern was pretty. It's up for grabs, but you have to suck up to me for it. Maybe send cookies. As you can see, I still need to weave in the ends and find a button. I like it though. It's sort of vaguely vintage.
This is a purse-to-be. It needs a strap and a button. I'm thinking silver for the button (maybe something cool like an owl), but somebody said pink or red. So now I'm conflicted.
The pattern's really easy. In fact I'll give it to you now, since you're all being so good and haven't abandoned my blog to a slow and lonely death (like I did). This one's for trade fair and will soon be joined by fellows in other colors. What color purses do you guys like? Suggestions?
Free Pattern:
You'll need a ball of chunky-weight wool and size 10 knitting needles. Cast on 25 stitches, knit until you can fold it into thirds and have a good-sized purse. Cast off. Fold the rectangle into thirds. Sew the edges of two of the thirds together, leaving a flap. Buy a button and a strap. Attach them. The button will probably fit through the flap without a buttonhole--it's loose enough. Walk around feeling snazzy. Don't expect it to cary super heavy stuff, but it does stretch quite a bit and fits a lot.
This is a hat in the making, also for trade fair. Two row stripes. The hipsters will be all over it. Kidding, it's too mainstream. I mean, I didn't even spin the yarn myself.
These are a couple of truly awful photos of my sweater-in-progress. It's beautiful. You can't even see the cables here but I am proud of them and feel very clever, even though they're easier than they look. I am probably going to finish it in June, just in time for a huge heat wave. But I will wear it anyway. You'll be able to spot me in a crowd because I'll be the girl wearing a wool cardigan and flip-flops.
So that's it for right now. Minus the birthday presents I mentioned. And all the Christmas knitting that I forgot to photograph before I gave it away. And a couple of shirt redoes--but more on that later. Keep reading, folks. *cheesy wink*
What's up?
On the bright side....I'm considerably faster at knitting now, and I have tons of projects and FOs (finished objects) to show you! I even used my real camera this time. I know you guys are positively peeing your pants with excitement over that.
Pattern: A simple circle scarf from my head. Yarn: Something random and gold. And acrylic. |
pattern: Robin's Egg Blue hat, yarn: Lion Brand Wool-Ease chunky in charcoal. |
pattern: from my head. yarn: stolen from the knitting club grab bag |
The pattern's really easy. In fact I'll give it to you now, since you're all being so good and haven't abandoned my blog to a slow and lonely death (like I did). This one's for trade fair and will soon be joined by fellows in other colors. What color purses do you guys like? Suggestions?
Free Pattern:
You'll need a ball of chunky-weight wool and size 10 knitting needles. Cast on 25 stitches, knit until you can fold it into thirds and have a good-sized purse. Cast off. Fold the rectangle into thirds. Sew the edges of two of the thirds together, leaving a flap. Buy a button and a strap. Attach them. The button will probably fit through the flap without a buttonhole--it's loose enough. Walk around feeling snazzy. Don't expect it to cary super heavy stuff, but it does stretch quite a bit and fits a lot.
pattern: from my head. Yarn: leftovers from the scarf |
pattern: Patons Cable Cardigan, yarn: Wool unraveled from my mom's sweater. I lengthened it to make it cozier. |
So that's it for right now. Minus the birthday presents I mentioned. And all the Christmas knitting that I forgot to photograph before I gave it away. And a couple of shirt redoes--but more on that later. Keep reading, folks. *cheesy wink*
What's up?
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Hey guys! This post is brought to you by procrastination, inc. Remember these green socks (the blue-er ones)? Well, I have actually finished them a long time ago and have made tons of other things since then. But I'm only now explaining why I made them.
A few months ago my uncle got very sick. He's better now, but we were all very worried and you know what happens when you put "worried" and "knitter" in the same sentence? Socks happen. I don't know his head size, sweaters take too long, ditto for scarves, but socks? Everyone needs socks. Besides, socks are cozy and comforting. It would be him and the socks against whatever nasty thing was marauding around.
Surprisingly I even finished on time although ends were woven in minutes before I dropped them off. I have several assurances that they are a manly color, although my uncle is manly enough to brave feminine footwear. That's what real men do. What was I talking about?
Oh yeah, the socks. I think he likes them. I'm glad they fit.
Here's to wearing them out and many more pairs of socks to come.
<3 Maggie
A few months ago my uncle got very sick. He's better now, but we were all very worried and you know what happens when you put "worried" and "knitter" in the same sentence? Socks happen. I don't know his head size, sweaters take too long, ditto for scarves, but socks? Everyone needs socks. Besides, socks are cozy and comforting. It would be him and the socks against whatever nasty thing was marauding around.
Surprisingly I even finished on time although ends were woven in minutes before I dropped them off. I have several assurances that they are a manly color, although my uncle is manly enough to brave feminine footwear. That's what real men do. What was I talking about?
yarn: cascade 220 heathers in "Dark Spruce," pattern: basic socks in worsted-weight yarn |
Here's to wearing them out and many more pairs of socks to come.
<3 Maggie
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Happy New Year!!!!!
Sorry I haven't been posting; I just returned to the land of internet yesterday. It turns out I can go three days without internet before the twitching and paranoia starts. Then I get distracted by Christmas. How was your holiday?
Happy New Year! Today is the first day of 2012. So far, it doesn't feel like the world is ending. I'm pretty sure the Mayans just said that because they ran out of room. Be not afraid.
Charge bravely onward my friends. Bravely on.
<3 Maggie
Happy New Year! Today is the first day of 2012. So far, it doesn't feel like the world is ending. I'm pretty sure the Mayans just said that because they ran out of room. Be not afraid.
Charge bravely onward my friends. Bravely on.
<3 Maggie
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