Sunday, November 27, 2011

dear Jane,

If you are Jane you are not allowed to read this until tomorrow. I'm watching you.  You know what? Go ahead and read it. Get excited!

Do you remember that post way back in August? Well, guess what?


I finished your gloves. I knit them as we were driving through Arizona. Those gloves picked up a little Grand Canyon juju for you, some kitschy Meteor Crater magic, and they also saw a place called Terrible's Gas (I knew you would appreciate that). To model them I tried to replicate your famous poses, but you know nobody can model like you so I'll have to get a picture when I see you tomorrow.

 When I met you in seventh grade, I was afraid. When we were friends in eighth grade, can I admit something? I was actually still afraid because you are the total opposite of Miss Knee Length Skirt over here. Thanks for that. I can't imagine life without my hip, emo friend who can punk out a polo shirt, listen to music way too loud (don't you know that hurts your eardrums? I am ashamed of you, young lady), talk about the weirdest things until 3 a.m. and still get straight A's the next day. You are the Queen of Awesome.
Thanks for encouraging me to be just a little bit sassy.

Sassy yet?
Yarn: Lion Brand something-or-other I pilfered from knitting club. Pattern: Alice Wrist Warmers that I modified because my yarn was the wrong gauge and I wanted them shorter. That's right, your gloves are inspired by Twilight. 

Get out there and rule the world, you little hipster.
Love, Maggie

Friday, November 18, 2011

The Reward System

Hey guys! Sorry for not posting for a while. I was getting so good at it too. Pride goes before a fall, I suppose.
I have a little reward system. For instance, when I finish some homework I usually give myself a little treat. A cup of tea, some knitting, five minutes on the internet (Warning: this can mutate into "five hours talking to people on the internet and then its midnight and you don't care about finding x anymore"). On bad days I struggle with the temptation to give myself a square of chocolate after every math problem (that's a lot of chocolate). Usually it works because I do more productive things so I can earn more rewards and eat more chocolate. But sometimes it backfires and I feel rebellious and think, I wrote my name and that is productive. Screw it. I do what I want. And that's what happened with blogging. I posted and felt good about myself and since it was a post that had actual things in it I felt even better and now wham, bam, thank you mam. I did eat chocolate though. And go on the internet for five hours. It was fun.
In other news, the other reason I haven't been posting is that I'm writing a novel. For nanowrimo. No, it's not because of this blog. Are you kidding? That only happens to people like Hyperbole and a Half.
In other knitting news? I'm making rainbow socks (I know. More socks). Expect pictures soon.

edit: Actually? Expect pictures now.
This is my living room and not my bathroom. I know that sounds weird but its a preemptive strike. People have thought pictures like this were taken from my bathroom. I don't know why. Do you see a toilet anywhere? (Good. I made sure not to get that in the frame). 
This is probably super random by now, but I like to think of it as "The mind of a hyperactive three-year-old inside a bomb-sexy woman"

<3 Maggie

Friday, November 4, 2011

Things Finished

Thing One: The long-awaited socks! (They were actually finished a while ago but.....well....I'm lazy. You knew that already)


Thing Two: A hapless seventh grader I accidentally gave a preview of ninth grade health to, since she was in the room with me when I triumphantly pulled my math homework out of my bag.....and discovered it was a sheet on how to do a self breast exam.

Thing Three: Another green sock. These socks have a story behind them, but I'll tell you later. That's right. You'll just have to come back and see. Now is not the time, young jedi.

Yarn: Cascade 220 Heathers color "Dark Spruce", Pattern: basic sock in worsted weight yarn

Thing Four: The Noro beanie! Whew, this thing flew (I finished it a few days ago too). I swear I only knit on it for four days during class and bam! A hat.

Yarn: 1 skein Noro Silk Garden color 84, pattern found here
Thing Five: My delusions of grace and romance. I'm not a klutz.....why do you ask? Those Disney princesses just set the bar way too high.

<3 Maggie

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween and Weird Random Stuff

Yesterday was Halloween. I dressed up as a crazy cat lady (easy, I had everything already since I am one in real life) and convinced my non-trick-or-treating friend to go trick-our treating with me.
Carly, Ana and Ana's friend Allie (Taokaka, Inigo Montoya, dinosaur?) were also there. That might have helped, since his other option was to stay home alone watching the Lovely Bones while all the girls went off into the night without him. I think he made the right choice.
Tons o' fun :D
I forgot what I was going to say, but it was clever.
Oh yeah. While we were out trick-or-treating everyone else thought we were hooligans. Mothers would hustle their widdle baby toddlers away from us as we passed, saying in hushed tones "watch out for the teenagers, sweetheart."
I told one of them, "we won't bite." she glared at me suspiciously and started walking quickly in the opposite direction.
So much for that.
Now I am home, struck down with some weird cold thing and lacking the energy to do anything but stare at the wall, knit, and surf the internet.
At least I have candy (and a tube of toothpaste.....funny, there didn't seem to be a lot of people lined up for that house).